April 9, 2012

My new photo blog

No recent posts, what's happening with the Caffenol blog?

Most secrets about coffee based bw film development are no secrets any more. Also the flickr Caffenol group is rather quiet now, people are very successful all over the world with Caffenol and they create awesome pictures. My recipes have become a kind of worldwide standard, if anyone wants a standard at all. In the very first line I did this all for myself and got the most reliable developer I can think of.. Always fresh, never again think about shelf live, non-toxic and environmental safe, pleeeeasing results, what more can you ask for?

You could add all the well known agents from conventional developers like sulphites to get a real fine grain developer or experiment with other additives. But that's not my cup of "tea" anymore. 

So, this blog will stay alive as long as Google will let it live. Every once in a while I will come back here and maybe post something or not.

I started a new blog and anyone is invited to have look. I will post pictures from the past and recent ones. Digitally captured or film based. BW, monochrome or colour, frugal images hopefully:


Best wishes for everybody - Reinhold

Here's a pic on long expired Efke KB 25, exposure index 40, developed in Caffenol-C-L with 0.5 g/l KBr, 45 minutes semi-stand at 20 °C. Very dense highlights, should have been developed at less time. Digitally split toned with Gimp.

Time for a huge english style breakfirst and a delicious cup of coffee - italian style of course.


  1. Hi Reinhold,

    You blog remains a reference for caffenol.



  2. Dear Reinhold, time to say thank you for your work and for sharing your results with us. It is definitely the best thing to be done with instant coffee an thanks to your contribution it has become a serious and reproducable alternative to commercial products.

    Nochmals Danke im Namen der Anonymen Kaffeeholiker


  3. Thank you for your work. I managed to develop a roll of 120 film I found in an old camera purchased on ebay. It was exposed at least 20 years ago.

    Tri-X pan in Caffenol-C-H for 8 minutes @ 23 C.
    Stop water bath
    Agfa 304 rapid fix for 10 minutes

    i am astonished, IT WORKED!

    No streaks or stains no brown tint.

    Excellent work on your part and please do not let this go quietly!


  4. This blog is a wonderful reference. Thank you for keeping it online and alive.

  5. Dear Caffenol Master :wink: ,
    Thank you very much for all of your sharing.
    I may have missed something on the blog, but there still is one direction to digg for home-development : home-made & environmental safe fixer :wink:
    More seriously, thank you once again for your time, tips & sharing will !

  6. Please continue to post when time allows. You are one of the enjoyable spots in the web. Good luck with the new blog ;-)

  7. I needed to add to my original comment above.
    Prior to developing, I had read how a prewash in regular tap water will help to eliminate most of the fogging associated with Caffenol. I did a 5 minute presoak to soften the emulsion and cut back the development time to 8 minutes. The KBr was 1.5 grams per litre.
    I believe the reason that people have failed as you have noted is that the measurement given are too lax. Forget 1/4 teaqspoons or heaping teaspoons, they do not work and if they do, you were lucky!
    Good Work Reinhold and keep posting.


  8. Glen, it's absolutely no surprise to get very little fog with the short dev time and 1,5 g/l KBr (that's a lot). I doubt that presoaking has any effect on the fog level. Cheers - R.


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