Hello again everybody,
the blog develops more and more, thanks to anyone who contributed with submissions and comments. More than 5000 hits and 70 comments in less than 2 months, wow! That's much more than I ever expected. Good to see that so many people are interested into coffee development and film based photography in general. Analogue photography becomes again more and more respected after a long suffering time, gently ridiculed. Self-confident again we enjoy our passion.
There are many ways to become happy with coffee development. My way is to prove that coffee and Vitamin-C can deliver the best of the best. Therefore only recipes I'm convinced of myself will be published here. The best overall way is still Caffenol-C-M as a speed enhancing developer with medium speed films of 100 ASA in my opinion. Easy to use with great and very predictable results. Other recipes and more experimental kinds of developing are frequently discussed at the caffenol group of flickr. A great ressource you shouldn't miss with many highly respected members participating.
It's just a beginning - cheers - love and peace - Reinhold
Tmax100 @ EI 200, Caffenol-C-M, 65 years old Voigtlander Bessa 66 with Skopar lens and yellow filter (2x)
the blog develops more and more, thanks to anyone who contributed with submissions and comments. More than 5000 hits and 70 comments in less than 2 months, wow! That's much more than I ever expected. Good to see that so many people are interested into coffee development and film based photography in general. Analogue photography becomes again more and more respected after a long suffering time, gently ridiculed. Self-confident again we enjoy our passion.
There are many ways to become happy with coffee development. My way is to prove that coffee and Vitamin-C can deliver the best of the best. Therefore only recipes I'm convinced of myself will be published here. The best overall way is still Caffenol-C-M as a speed enhancing developer with medium speed films of 100 ASA in my opinion. Easy to use with great and very predictable results. Other recipes and more experimental kinds of developing are frequently discussed at the caffenol group of flickr. A great ressource you shouldn't miss with many highly respected members participating.
It's just a beginning - cheers - love and peace - Reinhold

Hello Reinhold,
thanks for sharing your knowledge here with us. After I had a very bad day in the darkroom with high speed films, I had one Fomapan 100 left which I developed with your Caffenol-C-M. The negs are brilliant! Maybe I should use this film in the Future with 200 - 400 ASA. It seems that I have enough reserves left. The nicest thing at the work with Caffenol is, that the fixing agent smells like "Schinkenwurst" after the Coffe. ;-) Greetigns from a few km up the Neckar,
Danke Sven. Man liest sich, vielleicht gehen wir ja mal zusammen knipsen .... LG Reinhold
A sincere thank you Reinhold for sharing your knowledge and experience here on this blog. Your information really helped point me in the right direction to start experimenting with caffenol for use with film AND paper.
My best wishes to you and your readers. I will check back here often!
Thank you again!
that's some pretty neat shadow rendering!
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