Khoa sent me two images and said: „These two photos were taken on two separate recent visits to Montréal. The first is of the Cathédrale Marie-Reine-Du-Monde, taken with an Olympus XA, and the second was taken in a downtown hotel room with a Leica IIIc and Summitar 50mm f/2. Both were shot on Ilford FP4, exposed at its box speed of ISO 125 (though with the Leica, having no internal light meter, I "guestimated" with an old selenium meter somewhere between ISO 100 and 200). Development was in Caffenol-C-M, as in Reinhold's blog, at 12 minutes and 20 degrees centigrade. I find that Ilford FP4 gives me surprisingly much larger grain than Kodak TMAX 100 and Fuji Acros 100 (which I now prefer using and can get finer grain having pushed them even to ISO400), but in certain applications, it gives an unmistakable grainy film look.
The negatives were copied with a Nikon compact camera and the Nikon ES-E28 slide copy adapter, and adjusted in the GIMP.
To be honest, Caffenol C-M is the first and only developer I've used as an adult (my last film developing experience having been in high school as a teenager in the mid-1990s), and, well, I'm convinced, as I find that with a bit of care, I can get better results than the majority of "non-pro" labs.“
Thank you very much Khoa.. More of his images you can see here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/khoa_sus2
Other photographers confirmed me that the FP4+ is not as fine grained as expected with a Caffenol development.
Best regards - Reinhold
I develloped yesterday evening my first film with the recipe of this blog with the C-M version. It was a FP4+. I followed the time indicated in this post with a correction of -1 minute because my develloper was at 21°C (I used the Ilford curves).
I have not printed anything yet (and i do not have a film scanner), but I looked at my film this morning it looks fine.
First attend with Caffenol and a success. Thanks to this blog.
I will give more information after develloping other film and print some photo.
merci beaucoup, Romary.
Hello again,
You can see the results of my experiments on my blog : http://le-stenope-republicain.blogspot.com/2010/07/caffenol-c-m.html. That is in french, but you can see the photo.
I got very good results. I am very impressed by the results. The photo have been taken with and old very primitive hungarian camera. I just notice that on the 3rd photo which very under-exposed, there some fog. Is it the consequence of the under-exposure?
A new experiment with FP4+. This time with a 135 film : http://le-stenope-republicain.blogspot.com/2010/09/caffenol-c-m-nouvelle-tentative.html
9 minutes @ 23°C, agitation 10 times initially + 5 time every minutes
The film a bit thin, but as you can see still OK for printing
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