since Vit-C is difficult or not available, or only very expensive or in poor quality in some parts of the word, I thought it might be useful to post here a wordwide supplier of affordable 100 % pure ascorbic acid (Vit-C). It's a family owned business in the 4th generation, located in Germany and usually supplies bakeries and grain mills with bigger quantities. Smaller quantities he sells via an shop worldwide. Mr. Breinbauer's answer on my email inquiry was very fast and friendly. Prices and worldwide shipping are very attractive, no additional taxes.
You should store the Vit-C in the dark and in airtight boxes or bottles.
Added to the link list. I'm not related in any way to the owner of the shop, I just post the link for your conveniance.
Aw as tempting as that is, Australian customs would not allow such a thing into the country as it is food and not commercially packaged. I need to keep looking :-(
Quote from "Condition C5411" published by AQIS Australian Quarantine And Inspection Service
"1. An Import Permit is !!!not!!! required for organic chemicals of plant or synthetic origin and alcohols, vitamins and amino acids derived from a microbial fermentation process."
Exclamation marks added by me. It's !!!no!!! food and it !!!is!!! properly declared in english language, see image. I don't know if the packaging qualifies to be commercial, but C5411 also applies to non commercial sendings.
I also bought this. Good stuff and very very cheap compared to local prices here in Finland.
OK I ordered a 1kg. I am crossing fingers that customs will allow it over the border. :-) I shoulda ordered 500g but you know its better to have it (If it makes it) I can share with my friends who do Caffenol too.
Good luck, let us know how it ends.
Thank you for telling us about this! Here in Romania is quite difficult to find C-vit. Best regards !
due to the price of Vit-C in the local drugstore i tried to use technical "Zitronensäure" Citric acid C6H8o7 and dosed it the same way i did with Vit-C in Caffenol-C-L. The result was no development at all.
so you better use Vit-C C6H8O6 for your development.
No surprise at all, vl42. Citric acid is something completely different and a much stronger acid than Vit-C.
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